Bootstrap - Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Texas Businesses and Occupations

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) regulates and issues licenses to a broad range of occupations, businesses, facilities, and equipment in Texas.

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Texas TDLR License

Owner NameLicense TypeExpiration Date
VAUGHN, LULA MA/C Technician03/24/2023
RHODES, JEFF AA/C Technician09/23/2024
MORENO, VINCEA/C Technician03/02/2024
LE, THO VA/C Technician08/20/2024
PHAM, THUA VA/C Technician09/08/2024
ODEN, CLIFTONA/C Technician02/02/2024
SOLOYA, DAVIDA/C Technician08/07/2023
GONZALEZ, MARKA/C Technician04/18/2024
LARA, JAIMEA/C Technician02/03/2023
DOERR, JOHN PHILIPA/C Technician07/22/2024
COOKE, KEDRICA/C Technician08/11/2024
THRASH, TIMOTHYA/C Technician06/07/2024
HEFNER, SETH AA/C Technician05/06/2024
MANCIA, MAURICIOA/C Technician08/24/2023
TU, THAIA/C Technician02/26/2025
ROBINSON, EDA/C Technician11/10/2024
MAYA, MIKEA/C Technician11/22/2022
RUIZ, ISAACA/C Technician04/20/2023
LOPEZ, RAUL RA/C Technician04/15/2025
GARZA, PEDROA/C Technician03/18/2025

Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on TDLR - All Licenses Dataset. More information on the dataset is available here.

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