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VIN Lookup

Enter VIN Number below to search vehicle detail

What is a VIN number?

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-digit code used to identify a specific automobile. It acts as a unique identifier for the vehicle and provides information about the manufacturer, make, model, year, and other specific details about the vehicle. The VIN is often used by government agencies, auto insurance companies, and car dealerships to keep track of a vehicle's history and ownership. In case the vehicle is older and was made before 1981, the VIN may be shorter than 17 characters.

How to find your car's VIN number?

You can find your car's VIN number in several places:

  • On the dashboard: Look at the driver's side of the dashboard, near the windshield. The VIN is often visible from outside the vehicle and can be found by looking through the windshield.
  • On the vehicle registration or title: Your car's VIN can be found on the registration or title document.
  • On the insurance card: Your car's VIN is usually listed on your insurance card.
  • On the engine block: Look at the front of the engine block. The VIN may be stamped onto a metal plate or printed on a sticker.
  • Under the hood: Check under the hood for a sticker with the VIN. It may be located on the firewall, on the inner fender, or on the radiator support.
  • On the driver's side door jamb: Check the driver's side door jamb for a sticker with the VIN. This is where the VIN is often located on older vehicles.

Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on NHSTA APIs. More information on the dataset is available here.

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