Bootstrap - Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Texas Businesses and Occupations

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) regulates and issues licenses to a broad range of occupations, businesses, facilities, and equipment in Texas.

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Texas TDLR License

Owner NameLicense TypeExpiration Date
BUZEK, ERICA/C Technician06/29/2024
ZHENG, YANTAOA/C Technician07/29/2023
KHAR, HMUN CA/C Technician05/24/2024
VO, SCOTTA/C Technician06/28/2024
SCOTT, STEVENA/C Technician06/17/2024
CARRION, ELIA/C Technician08/01/2024
NICHOLS, JOSHA/C Technician10/16/2024
TRAN, DEREKA/C Technician01/11/2025
GODOY, CESARA/C Technician11/17/2024
SCOTT, AUSTENA/C Technician06/05/2023
CLEMENT, LBA/C Technician04/12/2025
HASEK, AARONA/C Technician02/17/2023
AMAYA, JUAN PA/C Technician03/14/2025
FISHER, VLADA/C Technician06/26/2024
VO, RAYA/C Technician07/13/2024
GARCIA, JOSEA/C Technician11/15/2024
LUCAS, ADAMA/C Technician10/01/2024
VACA, DUSTIN JA/C Technician10/07/2024
COLE, BRENTA/C Technician11/03/2023
RUE, TYLERA/C Technician02/17/2024

Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on TDLR - All Licenses Dataset. More information on the dataset is available here.

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