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Business Overview

The Los Angeles business GUSTAVO RODRIGUEZ is licensed with Office of Finance, City of Los Angeles Government. The DBA name of this business is . The business is registered on 1996-09-25. The business address is 14004 EL CONTENTO AVENUE, FONTANA, California, 92337-8331, .

Business Information

Account Number0000397542-0001-8
Type of Business233210 - Single Family Housing Construction (1997 NAICS)
Registration Date1996-09-25

Business Location

Zip Code92337-8331
CountryUnited States

Location Map

Similar Businesses in this Location

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MENDOZA GRADING & PAVING INC FONTANA, California, 92337-7525233210
JESSE LANDEROS FONTANA, California, 92337-7641233210
GUSTAVO RODRIGUEZ FONTANA, California, 92337-8331233210
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Other Businesses in this Location

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JAVIER ZAMORA FONTANA, California, 92337-0444561720
EUGENIA ANDRADE-CASTRO FONTANA, California, 92337-0654621330
AMERICAN EAGLE CONCRETE FONTANA, California, 92337-0663238110
MARC A DAVIS FONTANA, California, 92337-0766561790
ZATARAIN TRANSPORT LLC FONTANA, California, 92337-0766484110
LIEL CONSTRUCTION INC FONTANA, California, 92337-0766238990
E & L CONSTRUCTION INC FONTANA, California, 92337-0766233220
TORRES PRO ROOFING LLC FONTANA, California, 92337-0775235610
ROBO ONE PLUMBING CORP FONTANA, California, 92337-0903235110
MANUEL GUZMAN FONTANA, California, 92337-1089235310
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RONALD KEVIN MAXWELL FONTANA, California, 92337-1402235610
ELENA VALTIERRA FONTANA, California, 92337-2747812990
JOHN FREDY MONCADA FONTANA, California, 92337-2753453990
ALL PRO ROOFING, INC FONTANA, California, 92337-6841235610
DANIEL AUBERRY FONTANA, California, 92337-6845238990

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Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on LA City Listing of Active Businesses Dataset. More information on the dataset is available here.

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