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TRU COMMUNITY CARE - LAFAYETTE is a medicare hospice located in 2594 TRAILRIDGE DR E, , LAFAYETTE, CO, 80026. The hospice is type of Non-Profit. The medicare certificate of this hospice was issued on 12/29/1983. There are 14 health care providers affiliated with TRU COMMUNITY CARE - LAFAYETTE.

Hospice Information

Certification Number61501
Ownership TypeNon-Profit
Certification Date12/29/1983

Address Information

Street Address2594 TRAILRIDGE DR E,
Phone(303) 449-7740

Other Hospice in this ZIP

Hospice NameCountyState
Tru Community Care - LafayetteBoulder, 80026CO

Other Hospice in this County

Hospice NameCountyState
Tru Community Care - LafayetteBoulderBoulder, CO, 80026
Compassionate Hospice Care LlcBoulderBoulder, CO, 80020
Trail Winds HospiceBoulderBoulder, CO, 80303
Craft Hospice LlcBoulderBoulder, CO, 80301

Hospice Near Me

Hospice is a comprehensive, holistic program of care and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Hospice care changes the focus to comfort care (palliative care) for pain relief and symptom management instead of care to cure the patient’s illness. Search Medicare Registered Hospice in your area using zipcode.

Dataset Information

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides the National Hoispice General Information dataset. This dataset shows characteristics of hospice agencies such as address, phone number, ownership data and more.

Dataset NameHospice - General Information
Dataset ProviderThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Dataset URL
No. of Rows6,602
Last Update Date23 Nov 2022

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