Bootstrap - Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Philadelphia Business Licenses

Licenses are required for individuals and businesses to engage in select commercial activities in the City of Philadelphia. For example, vendors and restaurants require a license in order to sell goods and food and trades-people. This page give detail of business licenses issued by the City of Philadelphia.

Search Philadelphia Business

Philadelphia Business - located in "19111-3125

Business NameAddressCategory
CHANG K SEO19111-3125Food Establishment, Retail Permanent Location
SE YOL OH (KIM'S FARMER'S MARKET)19111-3125Food Establishment, Retail Permanent Location
CHANG K SEO19111-3125Food Establishment, Retail Permanent Location
ROMAN MOSHEYEV19111-3125Rental
ELABED OMAR19111-3125Vacant Residential Property / Lot
SE YOL OH (KIM'S FARMER'S MARKET)19111-3125Dumpster License - Private Property
CHANG K SEO19111-3125Scales and Scanners
SE YOL OH (KIM'S FARMER'S MARKET)19111-3125Scales and Scanners
SUNG DO JUNG (EVERGREEN YOUNGS MARKET)19111-3125Scales and Scanners
SUNG DO JUNG (EVERGREEN YOUNGS MARKET)19111-3125Dumpster License - Private Property
BANK OF AMERICA19111-3125Vacant Residential Property / Lot
SUNG DO JUNG (EVERGREEN YOUNGS MARKET)19111-3125Dumpster License - Private Property
SUNG DO JUNG (EVERGREEN YOUNGS MARKET)19111-3125Food Preparing and Serving
SUSAN WEBER19111-3125Rental
EVERGREEN FRESH MARKET INC19111-3125Food Preparing and Serving
EVERGREEN MARKET INC19111-3125Food Preparing and Serving

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