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Alternative Fueling Station Locator

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20 Alternative Fuel Stations in 91352

Station NameFuel TypeWorking Status
Clean Energy - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority - Division 15CNGStation is open
LADWP - Truesdale CenterELECStation is open
City of Los Angeles - East ValleyLNGStation is open
City of Los Angeles - East ValleyCNGStation is open
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - Sun ValleyCNGStation is open
LADWP - Valley Generating StationELECStation is open
Clean Energy - Republic ServicesCNGStation is open
Waste Management - Sun Valley HaulingLNGStation is open
Los Angeles Unified School DistrictCNGStation is open
Waste Management - Sun Valley HaulingCNGStation is open
Sun ValleyELECStation is open
LADWP - Tuxford StreetELECStation is open
8268 N SUNLAND BLVDELECTemporarily unavailable
12519 W ROSCOE BLVDELECStation is open
10654 Vinedale StELECStation is open
11121 Arminta StELECStation is open
8124 Ratner StELECTemporarily unavailable
Shell - Sun ValleyHYPlanned: The station is not yet open
76RDStation is open
Sun Valley TMC HQELECStation is open

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