- Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Bruce W Edwards D D S

Business Overview

The Santa Monica business Bruce W Edwards D D S is registered with Santa Monica Department of Finance. The type of business is Dentist. The business was established in . The business address is 270 26TH ST, SANTA MONICA, CA, 90402-2566, .

License Information

Business Entity ID038122
Type of BusinessDentist
Status of Business EntityActive
License StatusNone

Business Location

Address270 26TH ST
Zip Code90402-2566

Location Map

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Santa Monica Business

Santa Monica Business (corporations, LLCs, etc.) registered with the Santa Monica Department of Finance. Any person or entity who conducts business in or whose business is based in Santa Monica, must obtain a Santa Monica business license.

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Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on Business Entities in Santa Monica Dataset. More information on the dataset is available here.

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