Bootstrap - Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Delaware Professional and Occupational Licenses

In Delaware, there are a variety of professional and occupational licenses required for certain professions and activities. These licenses are typically issued by the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation (DPR), which oversees and regulates over 30 professions and occupations. You can search information about individuals who have applied for, currently hold or previously held a professional or occupational license issued by the State of Delaware.

Search Professional and Occupational Licenses

Delaware Professional and Occupational Licenses - "19352" Search Results

Business NameAddressCategory
DITOMMASSO,ELIZABETHLincoln University, PA, 19352Speech and Hearing
Sanzone,VincentLincoln University, PA, 19352Real Estate
CHASE,GILLIANLincoln University, PA, 19352Physical Therapy/Athletic Trg
KUNITSKY,BERALincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
BRAUN,DAVIDLincoln University, PA, 19352Real Estate
DEMICHIEL,JANICELincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
Raimondi,FrankLincoln University, PA, 19352Architecture
CROUCH,ANGELALincoln University, PA, 19352Physical Therapy/Athletic Trg
Barbee-Davis,DeboraLincoln University, PA, 19352Real Estate
Potter,SherryLincoln University, PA, 19352Cosmetology and Barbering
Andrews,RhondaLincoln University, PA, 19352Real Estate
REID,CHRISTINALincoln University, PA, 19352Real Estate
STOCK,RACHELLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
Pankiw,MarieLincoln University, PA, 19352Cosmetology and Barbering
THOMPSON,BRENTLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
Marler,RobertaLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
FRANCIS,MICHELLELincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
Cool,SusanLincoln University, PA, 19352Occupational Therapy
Hayes,HeatherLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
Canuso-Durso,AnnamarieLincoln University, PA, 19352Mental Health
BAIN,TAMILincoln University, PA, 19352Cosmetology and Barbering
GUERIN,JUSTINLincoln University, PA, 19352Medical Practice
PETRELLA,KIMLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing
HOFFERT,JENNIFERLincoln University, PA, 19352Nursing

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