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Touchpoints at Bloomfield (Fmr. Wintonbury Care Cente)


Touchpoints at Bloomfield (Fmr. Wintonbury Care Cente) is a nursing facilitiy in Connecticut . The facility Federal Provider Number is 075264 and CT Credential Number is 2221C. The registered address of facility is 140 Park Avenue, Bloomfield, CT. The ownership type of the facility is For Profit and level of care is CCNH.


Federal Registration Number075264
CT Credential Number2221C
Ownership Type
Ownership TypeCCNH
Medicare Certified1
Medicaid Certified1

No of Patients

Total number of patients136
< 180
Ownership TypeCCNH
Medicare Certified1
Medicaid Certified1


Address140 Park Avenue
Facility Telephone(860) 243-9591

Year wise Nursing Facility Detail

Reporting Year2020
Total Licensed Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds Occupied113
Licensed RHNS Beds0
Licensed RHNS Beds Occupied0
Reporting Year2021
Total Licensed Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds Occupied108
Licensed RHNS Beds0
Licensed RHNS Beds Occupied0
Reporting Year2022
Total Licensed Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds150
Licensed CCNH Beds Occupied122
Licensed RHNS Beds0
Licensed RHNS Beds Occupied0
Reporting Year2023
Total Licensed Beds146
Licensed CCNH Beds146
Licensed CCNH Beds Occupied136
Licensed RHNS Beds0
Licensed RHNS Beds Occupied0

Connecticut Nursing Facilities

This dataset provides a list of licensed nursing facilities in Connecticut as of September 30th each year, beginning with data from 2013. For each facility, this dataset includes aggregate resident demographic information, private pay rates for private and semi-private rooms, payment sources and occupancy levels for each year

Search Connecticut Nursing Facilities

Dataset Information

The data displayed on this page is based on Connecticut Nursing Facility Registry Dataset. More information on the dataset is available here.

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