Bootstrap - Open Data Tools, Health, Business, Licenses, Permits

Judith Harcrow


Judith Kaye Harcrow is a licensed professional in Colorado. The license number of Judith Harcrow is 1367. The license type of Judith Kaye Harcrow is RXN and specialty is Family. The license was first issued on 2001-07-11 and is currently valid from 2020-10-01 to 2022-09-30.

Professional Information

Last NameHarcrow
First NameJudith
Middle NameKaye
Title of License Holder
Degree of License Holder~Bachelors of Science in Nursing

License Information

License Number1367
License IndustryFamily
License TypeNP
License StatusExpired
License Valid From
License Valid To2022-09-30


Zip Code80123

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Case Number

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Colorado Professional and Occupational Licenses

Professional Licenses are required by law in order to practice in Colorado. This dataset contains information about individuals who have applied for, currently hold or previously held a professional or occupational license issued by the State of Colorado

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