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Alternative Fueling Station Locator

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15 Alternative Fuel Stations in 04609

Station NameFuel TypeWorking Status
Inn at Bay Ledge, a Select Registry Property - Tesla DestinationELECStation is open
Ivy Manor Inn - Village Center - Tesla DestinationELECStation is open
The Acadia Hotel-Downtown - Tesla DestinationELECStation is open
Abbe MuseumELECStation is open
Mt. Desert High SchoolELECStation is open
Acadia National Park HeadquartersELECStation is open
College of the Atlantic - eCar StationELECStation is open
Bar Harbor Inn & SpaELECStation is open
Newport Dr Parking LotELECStation is open
Harborside HotelELECStation is open
College of the Atlantic - Eden St Parking LotELECStation is open
Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Event CenterELECStation is open
MDI Biological LaboratoryELECStation is open
10 Higgins Farm Rd (US-GEF-K3A-2)ELECStation is open
10 Higgins Farm Rd (US-GEF-K3A-1)ELECStation is open

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